Essential Driving Gear & Gift Ideas For Your Vehicle

Essential Driving Gear & Gift Ideas For Your Vehicle

Essential Driving Gear & Gift Ideas For Your Vehicle It’s the holiday season, and as gifts go around, wouldn’t it be great if your vehicle gets some, too? We think it would!  So, in this blog, we will explore essential driving gear and gift ideas for your car such that whether you're a seasoned car owner or a novice, this information will help you better understand the tools and accessories that can enhance your driving experience, safety, and vehicle longevity. Tire Maintenance Tools One of the fundamental aspects of vehicle safety and performance is proper tire maintenance. Ensure that your tires are always in great shape by investing in a few key tools: Tire Pressure Gauge: A tire pressure gauge…
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5 Tips to Improve Fuel Economy

5 Tips to Improve Fuel Economy

5 Tips to Improve Fuel Economy You’ve probably noticed, just as we have, that fuel economy is one of the most discussed aspects of car ownership. As more and more car owners become environmentally conscious and look to save on fuel costs, understanding ways to improve fuel efficiency becomes paramount. In this blog, we reveal five actionable tips to enhance your car’s fuel economy. Come with us! 1. Regular Maintenance and Tune-ups The Basics: Every car requires regular maintenance. Things like changing the engine oil, cleaning air filters, and ensuring spark plugs are working efficiently directly impact fuel economy. A car in prime condition consumes less fuel than one that's been neglected. Our Take: At Frank’s European Service, we’ve serviced…
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Maintaining Your Luxury Vehicle

Maintaining Your Luxury Vehicle

Maintaining Your Luxury Vehicle If you're a proud luxury vehicle owner, you're likely well aware of the importance of maintaining your car's pristine appearance. Luxury cars deserve the best care possible to preserve their value and aesthetics. This article will explore the risks associated with commercial car washes and provide valuable advice for luxury car owners on protecting their investments. The Importance of Maintaining Luxury Vehicles Owning a luxury car goes beyond the joy of driving; it's a statement of style and sophistication. Luxury vehicles often feature delicate paint finishes and unique modifications that require special attention and care. You must prioritize maintenance to ensure your luxury car retains its allure. Commercial Car Washes - Convenience vs. Risk: Commercial car…
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Top Ways To Prepare Your Vehicle For The Rainy Season

Top Ways To Prepare Your Vehicle For The Rainy Season

Get Your Vehicle Ready For Winter In Dry & Hot Climates The rainy season is upon us, and that means it's time to think about preparing your vehicle for the wet weather. But, it's not as simple as all that. You want to consider a few key takeaways before preparing, so you can maximize your time and ensure you prepare for winter's worst the right way. Taking some precautionary steps now can save you a lot of headaches and money later on. Here are our top 10 tips to help you get started.  Rubber In dry and hot climates, everything made of rubber is at risk of failure. The low levels of humidity combined with summer heat make winter even…
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Is Your Vehicle Ready For Ski Season?

Is Your Vehicle Ready For Ski Season?

Is Your Vehicle Ready For Ski Season?  With a White Winter in the mountains and a chilly January ahead, there’s excellent powder just to the east in Utah. Ski Season is here again and promises great fun for those families willing to brave the elements together! Will you and your family be among the many planning to head for the hill this January for ski season? Is your vehicle up to the challenges of snow and ice? If you want to be sure your vehicle is ready for the snow, here’s a list of recommendations before you head for the hills! Check your fluids.  Ensure your brake fluid, engine oil, transmission fluid, antifreeze, and anything else (power steering, windshield wiper,…
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